We recognise the family plays a key role in influencing children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing; we will work in partnership with parents and carers to promote emotional health and wellbeing.
Below you can find resources which can help support your child’s wellbeing.
In Sefton, there are a range of partner organisations and groups working hard to ensure children, young people and families get the support they need. The support available and how this support can be accessed is outline below.
Crisis Support for Young People
CAMHS crisis line is also available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week to children under 18 experiencing a mental health crisis (Liverpool or Sefton): 0151 293 3577 or freephone: 0808 196 3550. Provides crisis risk assessment and management consultation through telephone and face to face support. Urgent and routine assessments are being offered, but there is a slight delay with capacity. Referrals can be made via their online platform: www.seftonliverpoolcamhs.com. Call 0151 282 4527 or email: camhs.referrals@alderhey.nhs.uk Provides a free app that helps you manage of resist the urge to self harm. This is a support group open to all parent and carers who have a child who has ever attended Sefton CAMHS or who is on a waiting list. For further information and to join the sessions, email freshplusgroup@alderhey.nhs.uk or visit Twitter/Facebook @freshplusgroup. Provides mental and physical assessment and reviews by telephone and one, dietetic advice and individual and family therapies via face to face, telephone and video call. Referral via their website www.liverpoolandseftoncamhs.com. Call 0151 282 3662, Email: camhs.referrals@alderhey.nhs.uk or visit their website www.alderhey.nhs.uk/services/camhs for further information Provides support for young people, parents and professionals. Their website www.bebodypositive.org.uk offers advice, resources and online training modules to help improve eating behaviours and relationships with food. Build positive body image and identify concerns around body image and disordered eating. is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It is provided by national mental health charity, Chasing the Stigma, and brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place for the first time. Users can search via GPS for help in their vicinity. Provides online support form children and young people in Sefton aged 11-25. Kooth can direct you to a crisis service or you can join up to access counselling, advice and support online through their website www.kooth.com Parenting can be rewarding, but also challenging. We’ve got parenting tips for all stages of your child’s life, as well as advice on how to deal with difficult situations. You can contact the NSPCC helpline by calling 0808 800 5000, emailing help@NSPCC.org.uk or completing our report abuse online form. Provides therapeutic counselling and group counselling for children, young people & families. They also provide information advice and guidance by telephone for parents Alchemy Youth Club (Crosby and Southport) activities, information, advice and support for young people aged 9 years - 18 years old. Alchemy Detached Youth Mentoring for young people to safeguard them against criminal exploitation & help them make the best choices in life. Drop-in mentoring sessions for young people who are worried about their mental health. Counselling & Family support: www.parenting2000.org.uk/referrals Provides targeted, confidential service for children, young people and their families to support with emotional, mental health and behavioural issues. Support available for the following issues: anger issues, anxiety, low mood, low self-esteem, bullying or friendship issues Chat Health is a messaging service. Send a message to 07312263291 to chat with a school nurse Sefton CVS supports a number of local youth and community centres, organisations and groups which provide services and support to children, young people and their families. Further information about these centres and organisations, including how to access the services and support available at this time, can be found on the Sefton CVS website or via the links below: Bootle Christ Church Youth and Community Centre Brunswick Youth and Community Centre Litherland Youth and Community Centre, Facebook:@LitherlandYCC Twitter: @LitherlandYouth MYA Space (Sefton Performing Arts and Education) Netherton Park Neighbourhood Centre Sefton SEAS The Youth Community Partnership (Meols Cop) Sefton Young Carers is a specialist service for children and young people aged 5-16 years old who have a direct caring role at home. Upon receipt of a referral the needs of the young carer will be assessed and an appropriate offer of support made. For further information call 0151 288 6060, email help@carers.sefton.gov.uk or visit their website www.sefton-carers.org.uk If you would prefer not to talk but want some mental health support, you could text SHOUT to 85258. Shout offers a confidential 24/7 text service providing support if you are in crisis and need immediate help. Provide support for young people to stop smoking and vaping.
and a Parenting Circle family support group.
Alchemy Youth Club enquiries @Alchemy Youth via Instagram & Facebook
and behavioural problems.