How to Apply for a Year 7 place at Holy Family High School

If you are applying for a place for your child in addition to completing the Sefton online application form, you must provide evidence of faith, complete a Supplementary Faith Form (copy below) and provide proof of address. Please send the three documents to Holy Family, either by post or email (scan, photographs or screen shots of documents are acceptable) by 31st October.

  • Supplementary Faith Form - see below or copy provided in prospectus - please complete and return
  • Evidence of faith can either be a baptism certificate or a Minister of Religion to complete Section B on the supplementary faith form.
  • Proof of Address - Please provide up-to-date proof of your address (E.g. Council tax bill, Universal Credit document, bank statement or a utility bill from within the last 3 months)

Sefton online application form

Admissions - How to Apply

Click here for information about Sixth Form applications

In Year Admissions

The LA has recently updated the In Year Admissions Policy which you can find by following the link or the policy can be viewed/downloaded from:

Please note there has been NO CHANGE to the Fair Access or School Transfer Protocols.

The parts of the policy that have been updated are:

  • Children with an EHCP – the SEN team requested some changes to the wording for this section also the SEN Team contact details have been updated.
  • Admission outside of normal age group – as per advice from the DfE published in April ’23 a small part of which does apply to age groups other than children joining reception year. This advice has now been incorporated into the policy on page 5.
  • Shared Parental Responsibility – we have updated this info on page 6 again based on some new advice published by the DfE last year. The LA has noted an increase of In Year applications which include shared PR. Therefore, we have clarified how these applications will be processed and made it clear the responsibility parents have when applying for school places if there is a court order or Child Arrangements Order in place.
  • Waiting lists & admission appeals process - info has been updated around the process for faith schools including faith academy schools. The LA’s process of appealing for a school place via an online form for certain schools has also been inserted.

Please visit the LA’s In Year Admissions webpage, at:

All the information parents need to make an application, including detailed parent’s guides for both In Year admissions due to a house move and school transfers without a house move – (which have also recently been updated for 2024), timescales, and the A1 & T1 forms themselves are available on the website, which is regularly updated.

If you cannot find the information needed online the telephone number for parents is 0151 934 3590 (multiple lines available).