Please also see the news pages
July 2024
Student Festival
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
A-level Science students to Edge Hill University
On Friday 19th April a group of our A-level Science students visited Edge Hill University, where the fantastic Dr Faye Voller and Dr Aris Tagalakis kindly gave up their time to teach us about their research projects - extracting DNA from fungi and humans and how the DNA can be analysed using a technique called gel electrophoresis. Everyone learnt so much and it will help us tremendously with our courses.
#kNOwKnifeCrime relay, the Marathon and Mini-Marathon
On Wednesday 17th April, a relay events took place across Sefton schools to raise money and awareness of the knife crime charity #kNOwKnifeCrime which was set up in memory of an ex-Holy Family pupil, Colin McGinty. His sister, Laura, was in school before Easter to receive a cheque for £1500 - money raised by the Christmas market.
The relay began at Holy Family at 9am, with a group of Holy Family runners, who ran to and passed the 'baton' (a stab bleed pack) to the next school, St. Mary's in Little Crosby. The relay continued around all the Crosby primary and secondary schools. At 1.30pm, the relay finished back at Holy Family, when we welcomed the last leg of runners coming from St. William of York.
Then on Friday 18th April, pupils from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 completed a mini marathon (which is 2.6 miles) as part of our Personal Development programme to raise awareness of knife crime and support the #kNOwknifecrime charity.
On Sunday 21st April, Laura and a team, including our own Michelle Palmer (SENDCo) ran the London marathon to raise money and awareness of #kNOwknifecrime
Year 8/10 visits to Edge Hill University on Tuesday 16th April/Thursday 18th April.
Pupils visited Edge Hill University, to tour around the wonderful campus, including the accommodations and the sports facilities, to get an insight of what university life is like. They participated in a team building workshop, created an app to help first year university students and participated in a workshop designed to showed them how to get on the right path for university.
March 2024
Spring Arts Review - 2024
This year's Holy Family High School Spring Arts Concert took place on Monday 25th March, 2024 in the school hall and featured a tightly packed programme of music covering a wide range of styles. The two-hour show gave proud parents and pupils a chance to sample some of the work undertaken over the past months by the pupils and teaching staff.
The concert opened with a ‘Stand by Me’ mashup performed by the choir. Layering songs such as ‘Every Breath You Take’ and ‘Just the Way You Are’ by Bruno Mars.
Daisy Bond was performing in her seventh and final Spring Arts concert and sang ‘Defying Gravity’ which was enthusiastically received!
Evie Hardie performed a passionate version of ‘Part of Your World’, which left the audience stunned by her enthusiasm for singing.
Layla Sambrooks’ accomplished performance of ‘Yours’ by Ella Henderson was outstanding. She is definitely one to watch in the future!
The welcome addition of the Year 11 band playing ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ was the perfect close to the first half and left the audience wanting more. Exciting times ahead for this group as some venture on to LIPA to study Music.
Harry Cinnamond played a ‘Ballade’ on piano, but his secret love lies with the Vox Continental on which he offered an impromptu Ska number! There were contributions from Year 7, 8 & 9 vocal groups and this year there were some super duets from the Year 11 Music class.
Seasoned performers Alice Melling and Ruby Pellow came through again with a strong performance of ‘For Good’ from Wicked. Finally, a passionate performance by Ruby singing ‘Bring Him Home’ from Les Miserables. A reflective conclusion to a varied and entertaining evening.
MAPSS Suicide Awareness - Mental Health & Wellbeing Update
On Monday 11th March, the group of Year 10 pupils took part in a Suicide Awareness Workshop filmed by ITV Granada Reports. They were amazing, fully engaged and passionate about spotting the signs, to help themselves and their friends. A credit to our school.
This was part of the MAPPS trial conducted by LJMU, in partnership with Grassroots Suicide Prevention and Papyrus. This programme aims to reduce suicide risk and increase help seeking among young people. All our Year 10’s, unless they have opted out, are taking part in this pilot study. This includes 3 questionnaires a year to identify risk, 2-hour workshop on spotting the signs and what to do if someone does disclose thoughts of suicide or self-harm. For those deemed high risk across the year, they will take part in an 8-week CBT programme in school.
MAPSS is part of a wider conversation on the importance of suicide prevention in schools in England. This collaborative and 3 Dads Walking are calling for a whole school approach, including compulsory age-appropriate suicide prevention lessons and specialist training for teachers, staff and parents, funded by government.
The DfE is calling for evidence so they can assess how the RSHE curriculum can be changed to better help our young people. The data our Year 10s produce will play an active part in that review.
Our young people were also lucky enough to meet Mike Palmer, one of the 3 Dads Walking ( ). He lost his 17-year-old daughter Beth to suicide during covid. He spoke of his pride that our young people, were compassionate and engaged in the workshop. Along with the other dads, he will take part in the Walk of Hope in April, to fundraise, highlight the lifesaving work of PAPYRUS and call on the government to do more. He is an inspiration, and we hope to have him back in school soon, as well as support him in his fundraising efforts in the future.
LJMU Law Factor Programme
Two pupils from Year 10 have discovered more about the legal profession thanks to an initiative from LJMU.
Law Factor brought together 25 pupils for a five-week programme aimed at increasing the diversity of young people who study and, ultimately, practice law.
The university’s Outreach team managed a range of activities in partnership with Liverpool-based law firm, DWF. The pupils took part in sessions focusing on areas such as negotiation, debate, and networking, supported by internal and external speakers, from LJMU’s School of Law, legal team, JMSU Law Society and the Anthony Walker Foundation.
We had fantastic feedback from LJMU about our pupils and their negotiating and debating skills. Well done, Erin and Alicia.
Screen Skills Roadshow
Did you know that that Liverpool is the second most filmed in city in the UK after London and there is a growing television industry in our amazing city?
The High-End Television (HETV) industry, which makes the dramas we all love to binge on the BBC, Netflix, ITV, Sky or Disney, involves careers as broad as hair and make-up to accountancy, design, and construction. Whatever skills you have and interests that you might want to take forward into the future workplace, you can probably find a home for your talents working in HETV. That is why we were delighted that the Liverpool Screen School (LSS) delivered a roadshow in January at our school to introduce year 10 pupils to the prospect of High-end TV (HETV) careers.
The roadshow saw 35 students and their parents invited to a series of events with HETV freelancers and keynote speakers, including scriptwriters, costume and production managers, to find out more about the prospect of HETV careers in Liverpool.
February 2024
In February, Mrs Pellow took a group of GCSE Music pupils to Manchester for three days. They had a wonderful time and enjoyed a variety of workshops and performances, see the Enrichment page on the Music section of the website.
January 2024
Students visited LJMU to see their Health Sciences department. They had a lecture about their Nursing courses followed by some practical work in the simulation suite. Students got the opportunity to practice CPR, intubate a mannequin, take blood, perform injections and to take vital readings from specialist mannequins.
December 2023
The ski trip to Passo Tonale, Italy—December 2023
Forty five Year 9's spent last week in Italy skiing. There was lots of snow when we arrived and it snowed during the week giving the children excellent conditions. The pupils all travelled up in the gondola to 3000m, the top of the Glacier, for some breathtaking pictures.
The pupils skiing improved every day and on the last afternoon they took part in a slalom race on the timed gates. Each ski group got medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd and there was also a special prize for star of the week nominated by the ski instructor.
The Year 9's smashed the karaoke night with a special mention to Jake Livingstone for his performance of Dignity, Deacon Blue with the staff. Very impressed!
We finished the week with a disco and we were all very sad to be traveling down the mountain on Friday as the sun was shining and the snow looked incredible. I think they all have the ski bug now and would love to go back.
Year 7 Sleepover
Once again, the school hall was filled with excited Year 7s taking part in the annual school sleepover. The aim of the sleepover is to raise money for the Indian Hope Orphanage and this year saw a record amount of money being raised – over £3000 on the night and this will hopefully increase to over £4000 when all the pledged money is received.
The night’s activities began with the forms coming together to make their donations followed by a ‘Bongo’s Bingo’ style quiz. After a break for soup, the quiz continued late into the night, then pupils rolled out their sleeping bags to watch Christmas films on the big screen.
The break of day saw lots of bleary eyed, sleep-deprived pupils and staff head to the canteen for breakfast. The next school day felt long for all those involved but there was a fantastic sense of achievement knowing how the children in India will benefit from our night of fun. It is a night that Year 7 will remember long after they have left Holy Family.
Finally, we must say a huge thank you to Mr Jamieson, Mr McTeague and Mr Walmsley for their organisation and to the staff who supported the event. But the biggest thanks must go to all the pupils and their families for supporting this charity so generously. Well done, Year 7!
The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loud for all to hear…
The Holy Family Choir has been spreading the Christmas spirit through music over the past few weeks. We have enjoyed singing Christmas songs and bringing festive cheer at time which can be difficult for some people.
First, the whole choir visited the Royal Hospital and performed in the foyer for patients, staff, and visitors. Not only did we raise some smiles we raised some money to purchase gifts for patients who will be spending Christmas time in the hospital. We sang a selection of carols such as “Oh Holy Night” and “Away in a Manger”, and we also performed some popular Christmas hits for example “Merry Christmas Everyone”.
Then, some of the choir visited two care homes to bring joy and happiness to the elderly residents. Acacia Court, where an ex-pupil is the manager and Byron Court where the events coordinator is an ex-pupil – we sang a programme of Christmassy music which got everyone into the Christmas mood (and there was even some dancing!). One of the choir members said, “It was heartwarming to see the smiles on their faces”.
It was a privilege to spend time sharing music and joy this Christmas, the Holy Family choir hopes everyone has a “Merry little Christmas” filled with peace and love. By Zoë Bennett 10EF
November 2023
Performing Arts trip to London
Our journey kicked off with mesmerising theatrical performances of "Wicked" and "The Lion King" in the illustrious West End. The students thoroughly enjoyed the shows, and the vibrant atmosphere added to the overall excitement. The West End restaurants provided a delightful culinary experience, enhancing the trip's enjoyment.
Exploring cultural and artistic facets, we ventured to iconic locations such as the Globe Theatre, the National Theatre, and Shrek's Adventure. The visit to Shakespeare's Globe was a particular highlight, with acting classes held within the historic theatre itself. The combination of workshops, art galleries, and immersive experiences created a rich tapestry of learning and entertainment.
Notably, the engagement of both Year 10 and Year 11 students was exceptional, and their enthusiasm was palpable throughout the trip. The success of this endeavour reflects the dedication and planning of the Drama department, making it a truly fantastic and memorable experience for all involved.
London Art trip - We had a great time down in London, visiting the art galleries. It was an excellent opportunity for the students to physically see some of the very famous and well known paintings that we have previously discussed in art and to appreciate all the different types of art that was exhibited. We had such an adventure negotiating the hustle and bustle of London life especially when we had to get 55 students on and off the tube - but we survived and the students were so well behaved.
The History of Blues Music
In November, Year 8 went on a music trip to the International Slavery Museum to learn more about the history of Blues Music that started during the times of slavery, linking with our recent learning in our music lessons. We learnt about the hardships many people of colour endured for so long. We worked together to find the answers and different artefacts around the museum which sparked a lively discussions about inspirational people of colour and their impact on our society and the world we live in today. We learnt about so many important figures from Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks to Marcus Rashford and Barack Obama. We were truly upset and saddened about the injustice that had taken place and felt incredibly fortunate to be in the world we live in now where everybody is treated equally and fairly, though there still is injustice existing in the world today, but from what they have learnt we can help to make a difference.
We also visited the Museum of Liverpool, so we could develop our knowledge of music made in our City of Liverpool. We learnt about popular bands and music artists and the craze of Beatlemania surrounding the world famous band The Beatles in the 1960s. We were fascinated by all the different musical styles and history that came from our fantastic city. We learnt about incredibly talented musicians from Cilla Black, Atomic Kitten and Gerry and the Pacemakers to The La’s and Frankie Goes to Hollywood. We discussed more recent musicians from our city today such as Rebecca Ferguson and Jamie Webster who stand out in our times today for their unique and innovative music styles. We also remembered older musicians from our unique city who made such remarkable, pivotal contributions and achievements to the music culture and generated new musical perspectives.
Our trip has made an immense impact on our musical education and built strong knowledge for our future learning. We have discovered that music has made strong foundations of our culture and has unanimously impacted the way we are as a community and as such a great city. By Grace and Ava Year 8
October 2023
Visiting local Artist - John Charles
We were lucky enough to have an amazing local artist - John Charles come in and talk to our Key Stage 4 Art students. The students got so much from him and were completely blown away by his talents and work. He was able to discuss his journey into the Art world and give guidance to the students about their own work. We were hugely grateful to John for giving up his time to come and talk to our students.
The end of October half-term brought an enchanting theatrical experience to Holy Family Catholic High School, as the curtains rose for the school's production of "Matilda: The Musical" by Tim Minchin. The six performances left the audience in awe, showcasing the incredible talent and dedication of our students.
The fantastic portrayal of Matilda, coupled with Tim Minchin's musical brilliance, made each performance a resounding success. The Art department's creativity shone through in the visually stunning sets, while the makeup department added the perfect touch to bring characters to life. The choreography and dance moves were executed with precision, captivating the audience and adding an extra layer of magic to the production.
Behind the scenes, the collaborative efforts of the lighting and sound departments ensured a seamless and immersive experience for everyone in attendance. The culmination of these elements resulted in a truly memorable event for the entire school community.
Congratulations to all the students involved, as well as the dedicated staff who worked tirelessly to make "Matilda: The Musical" a highlight of the school year. The echoes of applause continue to reverberate, echoing the success of this remarkable performance.
For more photographs please see
Geography Department Ainsdale sand dune investigation
This October our wonderful Year 11 completed their data collection for their sand dune study. For October the pupils were blessed with fantastic warm weather, and after a long walk along the Sefton coast enjoyed an ice cream after all their hard work.
Merry Christmas from all the Geography team.
Sixth Form Trip to Tenerife
On Sunday 15th October a group of very tired students (and teachers) met in the early hours for a field trip to Tenerife.
After a four and a half hour flight, we landed at Tenerife airport and proceeded to collect our hire car and minibus. A short drive later, we arrived at our villa which was nestled high up in the hillside of Mount Teide. We then took a drive to Los Gigantes where we boarded a boat for a whale watching trip. Pods of whales could be seen close to the boat. We also took in some spectacular views of the coastline and cliffs.
From there we journeyed back to the villa and had an introductory lecture on the history of the Canary Islands and their formation due to volcanic activity. The evening was spent relaxing in the pool and sitting outside under the stars.
The next day was spent out in the field observing the native plants and animals and analysing the various volcanic rock formations. Back in villa for the evening, we were able to see an amazing night sky with the milky way clearly visible. We had a tour of the sky with the laser pointers. We also saw a handful of meteors!
The following day was a visit to Santiago Del Teide, where some of the islands most recent volcanic eruptions took place. We also went caving in the lava tubes which were left behind when the volcanic magma cools. We learned about the different types of lava and how the age of volcanoes could be worked out. We then stopped at Garrachico, the old capital of Tenerife, where some of the students took a dip in the warm Atlantic waters!
The following day was spent at Siam Park, where students braved the water slides and wave pools.
The evening was spent dining outside with a barbeque cooked by Mr Horne.
The final day was a trip to near the summit of the mountain and a seven mile hike up and down rocky terrain. Our guides, Ignacio and Alexis took time to explain the science behind the landscapes.
Students returned to a cold Liverpool as expert vulcanologists!
World Mental Health Day #HelloYellow
Students and staff dressed in yellow on World Mental Health Day (10th October) as part of YoungMinds’ #HelloYellow campaign which called on people to stand together in support of young people struggling with their mental health, to show they matter and deserve the help they need, when they need it, no matter what.
The children at Holy Family raised £672.62 which will help YoungMinds to support young people so they don’t feel alone with their mental health. The pupils joined thousands of schoolchildren across the country swapping their school uniform for #HelloYellow at a time when more children and young people than ever before are struggling with their mental health. Over 1.2m under 18s were referred to children and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) last year, an increase of 53% since 2019.*
September 2023
European Day of Languages
On Friday 24th September we celebrated the annual European Day of Languages with most classes engaging in some activities that promoted the importance and variety of languages/language learning, such as designing t-shirts and making bunting.
Year 7 also took part in a treasure hunt, following language based clues.
Year 7 – Visit to CHET
On Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th September, Year 7 visited Crosby Hall Educational Trust (CHET). The pupils took part in various activities including a low ropes challenge, problem solving and even an obstacle course. Pupils learned to work as a team and overcome seemingly impossible problems through determination and hard work. All agreed it was a very positive experience.
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